Through its own supports and in partnership with others, Digital Transformations funds projects that complement its own efforts to explore, understand, articulate, adapt to, and adapt the digitised society.
Digital Society Fund: we provide cash awards artists and creative professionals who want to explore the digital society in their work, and put that response centre stage in the debates happening today about what kind of society is emerging via digital technologies. Enriching human contact and the human voice is essential for this transformation to be beneficial and how artists see this transformation needs to be heard not just on the street, but in classrooms and boardrooms as well. The digital society is throwing arts, policy, education, culture and business together in ways that only an artistic sensibility can really fathom.

Digital Society Artist Busary 2018: The multi-media artist and teacher Leah Hilliard was the winner of our first bursary, which led to Knowledge Flow, her series of felt panels and stencils that retold the Irish legend The Salmon of Knowledge for the digital age.

Digital Society Student Award 2020: The new award will be presented to 10 graduates (under- and post-graduate) whose final projects respond to the many different aspects of a digitised society. Ten winners were announced in August 2020.